Thursday, May 6, 2010

The mother by Gwendolyn Brooks

This poem is beautiful and very sad. "Abortions will not let you forget...Mother eye" started off talking to the mothers, then turns and talks to the aborted child. I love how you sense a tone of guilt and love as if she is missing the babies she has aborted but feels guilty for aborting them as well but also you could sense as though she had to make that decision at that time, so there is not a full regret just a slight one. But i love a lot how she says "Believe me I loved you all" and described all the things that mothers adore about their babies as if she knew the babies that she has aborted and when she said she loves them all also makes me a bit sad because she says "I loved you all" instead of saying "I still love you or just simple Love you, it sort of tells me that they are not loved anymore and sort of forgotten in her heart which is sad because a mothers love for a child should never die even if the kid is dead without being born, its still part of her.


  1. i agree; abortion changes evry aspect of a human being

  2. Yes, this is a tough one to take, though given the first line/image, which is the emotional touchstone for the poem, I don't think we can say that anything is "forgotten"; much of the imagery of the poem demonstrates and supports that opening line--what is is that won't let one forget (which delivers much of the poem's poignancy). By this same token, I don't think we can say the the regrets are "slight." The opem does represent the conflicted feelings that haunt the mother (not a particular mother, but, as in Hughes' poetry, the poem gives voice to a particular demographic); see also Olya's lbog and my comment.
