Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Hitchhikers by Diane Wakoski

Well, I have a feelings I will need a lot of help with this poem. It seems as though she is afraid of Hitchhikers because they make her feel like she has no choice, if she does not pick them up, she would feel guilty for not helping. BUt if she does it could cause possible danger to her. I think there is a deeper meaning here but Im not grasping it too well at this point. Definitely could use help.

Friday, May 21, 2010

She had some Horses by Joy Harjo

This poem was very well put. I think that the horse in this poem represents something spiritual, maybe a spiritual connection to something, and it could be a symbol for survival. The different horses Harjo describes in this poem is the representation of people, but then as I reached the end of the poem where she said "They were the same horses" I realized that these horses could be all in her, it could be herself in different situations as a way for survival in the world or the society she lives in. I feel like the main point of this poem is self discovery and the integration of it all into one, and being her own savior as her whole self in the world she is trapped in I guess. The elements of nature in the beginning of the poem got me off track a bit because I am not sure what Harjo is trying to say by that, but maybe it could be her physical state and not her psychological or mental one, but still not sure. Great poem overall.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

EMpty Space by Waldman

This poem resembled to me the gods creation of the world. It also felt like she was describing a poet writing a poem, a painter painting a picture. There was a sense of freedom there, individual freedom to do as you wish. She starts the poem with puting makeup on empty space, Beautifying the empty space, putting the meanings on the empty space and filling the empty space with whatever she wants to fill it with. EMpty space could be the world in which we live in, it could also be our lives as humans, we do things that give our life a meaning, and in the poem the author puts meanings on the empty space by adding new things to it. "TUrn yourself inside out and you might disappear" regarding the empty space got me a bit confused... DOes she mean that we are empty inside or perhaps all the same and the way we stand out from one another is by all the things that make us different from the outside, makeup, different hair color...but in the insidie we all have same things in common, same emotions, sad angry happy, frustrated and that if we turn ourselves inside out we will blend right in with the empty space that we will become invisible inside that empty space. Not sure which interpretation would be the most appropriate one yet.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The mother by Gwendolyn Brooks

This poem is beautiful and very sad. "Abortions will not let you forget...Mother eye" started off talking to the mothers, then turns and talks to the aborted child. I love how you sense a tone of guilt and love as if she is missing the babies she has aborted but feels guilty for aborting them as well but also you could sense as though she had to make that decision at that time, so there is not a full regret just a slight one. But i love a lot how she says "Believe me I loved you all" and described all the things that mothers adore about their babies as if she knew the babies that she has aborted and when she said she loves them all also makes me a bit sad because she says "I loved you all" instead of saying "I still love you or just simple Love you, it sort of tells me that they are not loved anymore and sort of forgotten in her heart which is sad because a mothers love for a child should never die even if the kid is dead without being born, its still part of her.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Barbie Doll by Marge Piercy

Very nice poem. Although it gets me very angry thinking about what a trully pathetic world were living in.

Ok so Marge describes a girl that is perfectly normal if not better than normal "healthy, tested intelligent,strong arms back etc", the classmates comment made this normal girl apologize for everyone seeing her fat nose and legs, as if it was hurting other peoples eyes when they looked. (One thing that bothers me about the classmate going through puberty mentioning how the girl has a big nose and fat legs... this idea that big nose and fat legs is considered "ugly" is a notion taken from the outside world, those people who labeled the fat legs and big nose as ugly and negative). "She was advised to play coy/excercise"etc as opposed to telling the girl to be strong and not let the people get to her but instead theyre teaching her to be open to other peoples opinions and accept what they tell you... which eventually leads to someone taking power over you and becoming more dominant (men)
Her good nature wore out (she lost herself in this pathetic world of labeling and conformity).. She cut off her legs and gave them up (did what society told her to do symbolic to death because it would be like dying if your sense of power came from within and it has been destroyed therefore the only thing you have is the physicality and you would not be accepted in society unless you conform. Marge basically symbolizes death and being a barbie doll in which everyone adores you, but in the end you are dead inside and end up being empty because everything that made you "YOU", your significance is stomped on, and in the end "shes in the casket,cosmetics painted on..Consummation at last" or more like Perfectly dead and in the end of the end she is that cute little girl just like any other barbie doll, "PRETTY in pink who played with stoves and lipstick" NO significance.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

In Golden Gate Park That Day ...

Love the poem for the simple fact that this is an observation of human condition specifically, and not a sort of general observation although this poem has elements of that as well. This poem has an empty and unfulfilled tone to it, that the husband and wife are unhappy, they sit down,eat oranges "without looking at eachother" and saying anything to eachother. "at a very still spot where the trees dreamed and seemed to have been waiting thru all time for them" "and put the peels in a basket which they seemed to have bought for that purpose without looking at eachother" is a sign of them doing this often, perhaps too often, not looking at eachother not speaking to eachother because nothing to see and nothing to say, sort of emptiness between their emotions for eachother. They are in a beautiful environment, enormous meadow with birds and still air, fruits (sign of spring) this is an environment that hides the ugliness of the relations between the man and wife, and the enormous meadow is symbolic to their possibly supressed relationship, their surrounding is enormous, big (seems like endless opportunity and possibility) like the birds questioning existence(whats their purpose in life) and "trying to recall something forgotten"(what is missing) and their inner life is dull, sort of supressed. I have an idea of what this poem could be but not sure how to put it into words. What I really am curious about is why he said meadow of the world (possibilities/opportunities that the world offers?)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Howl by Allen Ginsberg

OK so I am still in the process of figuring out this poem but so far this is what I have come up with;

It seems as though he wrote this poem due to a strong urge to express a certain emotion or opinion about the 1950s, it appears to be an observation; he seems angry or maybe disapointed (negative emotion) about that time period "I saw the best minds get destroyed........and the blond & naked angel came to pierce them with a sword”. Maybe the generation is seperating because some people do not act in accordance to how they should at that time period. He also refers to the words; dreams, heaven, angels, this can probably have somehting to do with the unconscious or the unknown. I feel like he is describing the events that affected him the most, this poem kind of reminds me of the Levertov's "February Evening in New York" because she also describes her observations in a way but not as detailed as Ginsberg. Need more time to put more thoughts into this poem though, very interesting poem this is. I like.